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sole rights

  • 1 sole rights

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sole rights

  • 2 sole rights

    * * *

    isključivo pravo

    English-Croatian dictionary > sole rights

  • 3 sole

    sole [səʊl] (pl sense inv or soles)
    (a) (only) seul, unique;
    the sole survivor le seul survivant
    (b) (exclusive) exclusif;
    to have sole rights on sth avoir l'exclusivité des droits sur qch;
    to have sole responsibility for sth être entièrement responsable de qch
    2 noun
    (a) (of foot) plante f
    (b) (of shoe, sock) semelle f
    (c) Ichthyology sole f
    to have one's shoes soled faire ressemeler ses chaussures
    ►► sole agency représentation f exclusive;
    sole agency contract contrat m de représentation exclusive;
    sole agent agent m exclusif;
    to be sole agent for Rover avoir la représentation exclusive de Rover;
    Commerce sole dealer concessionnaire mf exclusif(ive);
    Law sole legatee légataire mf universel(elle);
    sole owner propriétaire mf unique;
    sole right droit m exclusif;
    British Commerce sole trader entreprise f individuelle ou unipersonnelle

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > sole

  • 4 sole

    I [səʊl]
    1) (single) solo, unico
    2) (exclusive) [ agent] esclusivo; [ trader] in proprio

    to be in sole charge of sth. — essere il responsabile unico di qcs

    II [səʊl]
    nome (pl. sole, soles) sogliola f.
    III 1. [səʊl]
    nome (of shoe) suola f.; (of sock) piede m.; (of iron) piastra f.; (of foot) pianta f.

    rubber, leather soled shoes — scarpe con la suola di gomma, di cuoio

    IV [səʊl]
    verbo transitivo risuolare [ shoe]
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.)
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.)
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.)
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.)
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.)
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.)
    * * *
    I [səʊl]
    1. n
    (of foot) pianta del piede, (of shoe) suola
    2. vt
    FALSE FRIEND: sole is not translated by the Italian word sole II [səʊl] n III [səʊl] adj
    1) (only) unico (-a), solo (-a)

    the sole reasonla sola or l'unica ragione

    2) (exclusive) esclusivo (-a)

    sole agentagente m or rappresentante m esclusivo

    * * *
    sole (1) /səʊl/
    1 (anat.) pianta ( del piede)
    2 ( di scarpa, ecc.) suola
    3 ( in genere) base; fondo
    4 (edil.) suola; soletta
    5 (elettron.) base; suola
    6 (geogr.) fondovalle
    sole leather, cuoio per risuolature □ sole plate, (edil.) piastra di fondazione; (mecc.) basamento, piastra di supporto; incastellatura ( di una macchina, ecc.).
    sole (2) /səʊl/
    (zool., Solea) sogliola.
    ♦ sole (3) /səʊl/
    solo; singolo; unico; esclusivo: the sole culprit, il solo colpevole; on my own sole responsibility, sotto la mia esclusiva responsabilità; (comm.) sole agent, rappresentante esclusivo
    ● (comm.) sole distributor, concessionario □ (leg.) sole heir, erede universale □ (leg.) sole owner, proprietario unico □ sole proprietorship, ditta personale (o individuale); azienda in proprio; impresa individuale □ sole right, diritto esclusivo □ sole selling rights, esclusiva di vendita □ (comm.) sole trader, imprenditore individuale.
    (to) sole /səʊl/
    v. t.
    * * *
    I [səʊl]
    1) (single) solo, unico
    2) (exclusive) [ agent] esclusivo; [ trader] in proprio

    to be in sole charge of sth. — essere il responsabile unico di qcs

    II [səʊl]
    nome (pl. sole, soles) sogliola f.
    III 1. [səʊl]
    nome (of shoe) suola f.; (of sock) piede m.; (of iron) piastra f.; (of foot) pianta f.

    rubber, leather soled shoes — scarpe con la suola di gomma, di cuoio

    IV [səʊl]
    verbo transitivo risuolare [ shoe]

    English-Italian dictionary > sole

  • 5 sole

    I səul noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) planta
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) suela

    II səul plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.)
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.)

    III səul adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) único
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) exclusivo
    sole n
    1. planta
    2. suela
    3. lenguado
    1 (only, single) único,-a
    2 (exclusive) exclusivo,-a
    1 (fish) lenguado
    1 (of foot) planta; (of shoe, sock) suela
    1 poner suela a
    sole ['so:l] adj
    : único
    sole n
    1) : suela f (de un zapato)
    2) : lenguado m (pez)
    planta (del pie) s.f. (Shoe)
    suela (Textil) s.f.
    exclusivo, -a adj.
    solo, -a adj.
    único, -a adj.
    lenguado s.m.
    palma s.f.
    planta del pie s.f.
    plantilla s.f.
    suela del zapato s.f.
    solar v.

    I səʊl
    a) ( of foot) planta f
    b) ( of shoe) suela f
    2) ( fish) (pl sole or soles) lenguado m

    adjective (before n)
    a) ( only) único
    b) ( exclusive) < rights> exclusivo

    they are sole agents for... — tienen la representación exclusiva de...

    transitive verb (usu pass)

    to have one's shoes soled and heeled — hacerles* poner suelas y tacones or (CS, Per) tacos a los zapatos

    I [sǝʊl]
    1. N
    1) (Anat) planta f
    2) [of shoe] suela f

    N (pl sole or soles) (=fish) lenguado m
    III [sǝʊl]
    ADJ (=only) único; (=exclusive) exclusivo, en exclusividad

    the sole reason is that... — la única razón es que...


    sole owner N, sole proprietor Npropietario(-a) m / f único(-a)

    sole trader Nempresario(-a) m / f individual

    * * *

    I [səʊl]
    a) ( of foot) planta f
    b) ( of shoe) suela f
    2) ( fish) (pl sole or soles) lenguado m

    adjective (before n)
    a) ( only) único
    b) ( exclusive) < rights> exclusivo

    they are sole agents for... — tienen la representación exclusiva de...

    transitive verb (usu pass)

    to have one's shoes soled and heeled — hacerles* poner suelas y tacones or (CS, Per) tacos a los zapatos

    English-spanish dictionary > sole

  • 6 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) fodsål
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) sål
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) søtunge
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) søtunge
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) eneste
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) ene-
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) fodsål
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) sål
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) søtunge
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) søtunge
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) eneste
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) ene-

    English-Danish dictionary > sole

  • 7 sole

    I 1. noun
    (Anat.; of shoe) Sohle, die
    2. transitive verb
    II noun
    (fish) Seezunge, die
    III adjective
    einzig; alleinig [Verantwortung, Erbe, Recht]; Allein[erbe, -eigentümer]

    he is the sole judge of whether... — er allein urteilt darüber, ob.../entscheidet, ob...

    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) die Sohle
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) die Bodenfläche
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) die Seezunge
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) die Seezunge
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) einzig
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) alleinig
    - academic.ru/68733/solely">solely
    * * *
    [səʊl, AM soʊl]
    adj attr, inv
    1. (only) einzig, alleinig
    to take \sole charge of sb/sth die alleinige Verantwortung für jdn/etw übernehmen, allein für jdn/etw sorgen
    \sole exception einzige Ausnahme
    \sole surviving relative einziger überlebender Verwandter/einzige überlebende Verwandte
    \sole responsibility alleinige Verantwortung
    \sole survivor einziger Überlebender/einzige Überlebende
    2. (exclusive) Allein-
    \sole agency Alleinvertretung f
    \sole agent Alleinvertreter(in) m(f)
    \sole right alleiniges Recht
    \sole right to sell Alleinverkaufsrecht nt
    [səʊl, AM soʊl]
    1. FASHION [Schuh]sohle f
    2. ANAT [Fuß]sohle f
    <pl - or -s>
    [səʊl, AM soʊl]
    1. (fish) Seezunge f
    Dover \sole [Dover]seezunge f
    lemon \sole Seezunge f
    2. no pl FOOD Seezunge f
    filet of \sole Seezungenfilet nt
    * * *
    I [səʊl]
    1. n
    Sohle f
    2. vt
    besohlen II
    (= fish) Seezunge f III
    reason einzig; responsibility, owner, ownership alleinig; use ausschließlich

    with the sole exception of... — mit alleiniger Ausnahme +gen...

    for the sole purpose of... — einzig und allein zu dem Zweck +gen..., zum alleinigen or einzigen Zweck +gen...

    sole heirAlleinerbe m/-erbin

    * * *
    sole1 [səʊl]
    A s
    1. ANAT (Fuß) Sohle f
    2. (Schuh) Sohle f:
    sole leather Sohl(en)leder n
    3. TECH Bodenfläche f, Sohle f
    B v/t besohlen
    sole2 [səʊl] adj (adv solely)
    1. einzig, alleinig, Allein…:
    the sole reason der einzige Grund;
    sole agency Alleinvertretung f;
    sole bill WIRTSCH Solawechsel m;
    have sole distribution for den Alleinvertrieb haben für;
    sole heir Allein-, Universalerbe m;
    sole owner Alleininhaber(in);
    2. besonders JUR unverheiratet: feme sole
    sole3 [səʊl] pl soles [-z], besonders koll sole s FISCH Seezunge f
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    (Anat.; of shoe) Sohle, die
    2. transitive verb
    II noun
    (fish) Seezunge, die
    III adjective
    einzig; alleinig [Verantwortung, Erbe, Recht]; Allein[erbe, -eigentümer]

    he is the sole judge of whether... — er allein urteilt darüber, ob.../entscheidet, ob...

    * * *
    (fish) n.
    Scholle -n f. adj.
    einzig adj. n.
    Seezunge -n f.
    Sohle -n f.

    English-german dictionary > sole

  • 8 sole

    I səul noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) fotsåle
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) skosåle
    II səul plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) sjøtunge
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) sjøtunge
    III səul adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) eneste, ene
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) ene-
    subst. \/səʊl\/
    1) (sko)såle, fotsåle
    2) bunn, underside, underlag
    3) ( fisk i familien Soleidae) tunge
    4) ( fisk i familien Pleuronectidae) flyndre
    5) ( fisk i familien Bothidae) tungevar
    6) (på ski, også ski sole) belegg, skisåle
    verb \/səʊl\/
    adj. \/səʊl\/
    1) ene, eneste (av sitt slag), ene-
    2) (spesielt jus, spesielt om kvinne) enslig
    3) uovertruffen, enestående
    4) (gammeldags, poetisk) alene
    for the sole purpose of... med det ene formål å..., utelukkende\/ene og alene for å...
    in sole possession of i udelt besittelse av
    sole heir enearving
    sole sales right enerett til salg

    English-Norwegian dictionary > sole

  • 9 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) podplat
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) podplat
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) morski list
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) morski list
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) edini
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) izključni
    * * *
    I [sóul]
    podplat (noge, čevlja); technical podnožje, spodnji del; temeljna plošča
    sole leather — usnje za podplate;
    transitive verb
    podplatiti (čevelj)
    II [sóul]
    sam, edini, izključni; obsolete (čisto) sam; juridically neomožena, samska; poetically archaic osamljen, sam
    sole agency — edina, izključna agencija
    feme sole juridically neporočena (samska) ženska
    the sole heir — edini, univerzalni dedič
    III [sóul]
    morski list (riba)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > sole

  • 10 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) plante (du pied)
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) semelle
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) sole
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) sole
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) seul, unique
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) exclusif

    English-French dictionary > sole

  • 11 sole

    [səul] 1. n
    (of foot, shoe) podeszwa f; ( fish) ( pl inv) sola f
    2. adj
    ( unique) jedyny; ( exclusive) wyłączny
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) podeszwa
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) podeszwa
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) sola
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) sola
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) jedyny
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) wyłączny

    English-Polish dictionary > sole

  • 12 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) il
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) sóli
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) sólflúra
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) sólflúra
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) einn, eini
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) einka-

    English-Icelandic dictionary > sole

  • 13 sole

    talp, egyetlen
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) talp
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) talp
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) nyelvhal
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) nyelvhal
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) egyetlen
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) kizárólagos

    English-Hungarian dictionary > sole

  • 14 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) planta
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) sola
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) linguado
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) linguado
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) único
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) exclusivo
    * * *
    [soul] n 1 sola do pé. 2 sola de sapato ou de chinelo. • vi solar, pôr sola.
    [soul] n Ichth solha, linguado.
    [soul] adj 1 só, sozinho. 2 único. 3 exclusivo. 4 abandonado, sozinho. 5 solteiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sole

  • 15 sole

    adj. biricik, tek, yeğâne, özel, bekâr, yalnız
    n. taban, kaide, dil balığı
    v. pençe vurmak, taban koymak
    * * *
    1. ayak tabanı 2. pençe vur (v.) 3. tek (adj.)
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) taban
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) taban, pençe
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) dil balığı
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) dil balığı (eti)
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) tek, biricik
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) tek, yalnız

    English-Turkish dictionary > sole

  • 16 sole

    • jalkapohja
    • ainokainen
    • ainoa lajiaan
    • ainut
    • ainoa
    leather industry
    • antura
    • anturoida
    • puolipohjata
    • kengänpohja
    • kengänantura
    • meriantua
    • meriantura
    building / construction industry
    • perustus
    • yksin
    • yksinomainen
    • yksi
    • pohjata
    • pohja
    * * *
    I səul noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) jalkapohja
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) kengänpohja
    II səul plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) kampela
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) kampela
    III səul adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) ainoa
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) yksin-

    English-Finnish dictionary > sole

  • 17 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) pēdas apakša
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) []zole
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) jūras mēle
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) jūras mēle
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) vienīgais; viens vienīgs
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) ekskluzīvs; vienpersonīgs
    * * *
    pēdas apakša; jūras mēle; pazole; paltuss; pēda; pazolēt; viens vienīgs; vienreizējs; neprecējies

    English-Latvian dictionary > sole

  • 18 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) padas
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) padas
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) jūrų liežuvis
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) jūrų liežuvis
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) vienintelis
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) išimtinis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > sole

  • 19 sole

    adj. enda; ensam; endast, uteslutande
    n. skosula; fotsula; sjötunga (sorts fisk)
    v. sula om sätta på en ny sula
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) fotsula
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) sula
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) sjötunga
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) sjötunga
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) enda
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) ensam-

    English-Swedish dictionary > sole

  • 20 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) chodidlo
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) podrážka
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) mořský jazyk
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) mořský jazyk
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) jediný
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) výhradní
    * * *
    • podrážka
    • jediný

    English-Czech dictionary > sole

См. также в других словарях:

  • sole — sole1 [sōl] n. [OFr < VL * sola, for L solea, sandal, sole, kind of fish < solum, sole, base, ground, bottom] 1. the bottom surface of the foot 2. the part of a shoe, boot, sock, etc. corresponding to this 3. the bottom surface of any of… …   English World dictionary

  • sole — sole1 W3 [səul US soul] adj [only before noun] [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: soul, from Latin solus alone ] 1.) the sole person, thing etc is the only one = ↑only ▪ the sole American in the room ▪ Griffiths is the sole survivor of the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Rights Managed — refers to a type of contract between a two entities (the licensor and licensee), that is employed when licensing the rights to use content, such as photographs. The term Rights Managed means that the seller of the license is specifically giving… …   Wikipedia

  • sole custody — see custody b Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. sole custody A custody arran …   Law dictionary

  • RIGHTS, HUMAN — The following article deals with the subject of human rights, their essence and the contents of various fundamental rights as reflected in the sources of Jewish Law. The interpretation of Israel s Basic Laws concerning human rights in accordance… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Rights of Man — Infobox Book name = The Rights of Man title orig = translator = image caption = Title page from the first edition author = Thomas Paine illustrator = cover artist = country = Britain language = English series = subject = genre = publisher =… …   Wikipedia

  • Sole Survivor Policy — Bei der Sole Survivor Policy (auf Deutsch in etwa: „Regelung für einzig Überlebende“ oder „Verfahren bei einzig Überlebenden“) handelt es sich um eine Reihe verschiedener Regelwerke der Streitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten, die entwickelt wurden …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sole custody — noun An arrangement whereby only one parent has physical and legal custody of a child while the other parent has visitation rights. See Also: joint custody, maternal custody, paternal custody …   Wiktionary

  • sole custody — form of guardianship of a child whose parents are divorced whereby only one parent has physical and legal custody of the child and the other parent has visitation rights …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sole agency — An agreement between an agent and a principal that gives the agent exclusive rights to sell a product or service in a particular territory for a specified period …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • got exclusive rights — obtained sole rights to distribute or represent a product …   English contemporary dictionary

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